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Fidenza by Tyler Hobbs

Fidenza by Tyler Hobbs

by Art Blocks(Jun 11, 2021)
Rank #11
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Fidenza by Tyler Hobbs is an NFT collectible created by Tyler Hobbs that was released on 6-11-2021. The project consists of 999 unique digital items living on the Ethereum blockchain. We categorize it as a art project and it's part of the Art Blocks general collection and the Curated subcollection.

What is Fidenza NFT?

Perhaps the concept of programming for art does not at first seem logical. But we have more than one example of how these two fields can be combined and generate fascinating work. A great example in this regard is Fidenza, an NFT series developed by artist Tyler Hobbs. These NFTs are hosted on Art Blocks, a digital art platform, and are created using a generative algorithm developed by Hobbs himself.

According to him, this algorithm is his most versatile one yet and is able to produce unique, unpredictable and high-quality artwork. The name Fidenza was picked by Hobbs himself after finding a small Italian town of the same name on Google Maps. Generative art is a form of digital art that is produced using algorithms and codes, it is becoming increasingly popular as the technology for creating it continues to evolve.

Fidenza is considered a noteworthy collection within this emerging genre. Grounded in a flow field algorithm, Fidenza was designed with a technique that the artist behind it has been experimenting with since 2016. This methodology has been utilized in a multitude of works and generates unpredictable, natural-looking curves which have the added aesthetic benefit of not overlapping with one another. If you have come this far with the question of what a Fidenza NFT is, we believe you will now be able to give an accurate answer. But now, let’s get to know the NFT Fidenza creator.

Tyler Hobbs Fidenza NFT creator

A project with a level of innovation similar to Fidenza's needs not only a great artist, but also a skilled programmer who knows the world of algorithms. Tyler Hobbs is the mind behind this project. He is an artist hailing from Austin, Texas who specializes in using algorithms, plotters and paint to create his artwork.

He is particularly interested in the intersection of computational aesthetics, the impact of computer hardware and software on them, and how they relate to the natural world. Just after reading this, we know that Tyler Hobbs NFTs are unique.

To achieve this, he designs and writes custom algorithms to generate visual imagery which often strikes a balance between the precision of computers and the organic nature of the real world. With Fidenza Tyler Hobbs puts all his experience into practice.

His work has been exhibited on an international level and has been collected in various countries. Hobbs started experimenting with the "flow fields" technique in 2016 and rose to fame through Fidenza. He believes that flow fields give him the ability to create unpredictable, organic curves that do not overlap with each other. Hobbs's interest in art and computers led him to study traditional drawing and painting, but he found that generative art was the perfect blend of his passions.

He is always eager to learn more about programming and creating algorithms to generate art. Hobbs embraces the unpredictable nature of random art and considers the process of programming to be experimental and always open to new ideas and testing wild concepts, sometimes even adding bugs to the program that improve it unexpectedly.

Fidenza NFT and the Rise of Generative Art

Fidenza NFT art is part of a bigger movement. Generative art is a new medium of artistic expression that is made possible by modern computing technology and AI. It is created by writing code that gives a computer specific rules and guidelines to produce random artwork.

The process of creating generative art may start with an artist writing guidelines for the coding process in a sketchbook, or by writing code from scratch and seeing what results appear. Once a simple program is created, the artist will test it and make changes iteratively, repeating the process several times until the program is finished. Tyler Hobbs, created the collection to showcase his most versatile generative algorithm to date.

Generative art is a form of digital art that is created using algorithms, code, and other computer-based processes. The randomness in the art is carefully built into the program based on the artist's creative decisions, and it is important to remember that the artist's emotional connection with the artwork is what ultimately makes it meaningful. Hobbs selects the images that appeal to him emotionally and then turns them into unique physical objects using a plotter or a local fine-art printing shop.

Generative art is becoming increasingly popular and is considered to be the next technological frontier in the digital art world. With the rise of generative art and AI-driven art creation systems like DALL-E 2 and Midjourney, computer-generated artwork is expected to have a significant impact on creative fields.

Collections like Fidenza are a must-watch for those who want to stay on top of the latest projects making a splash in this space. Fidenza by Tyler Hobbs has brought generative art to centre stage.

Where to buy Fidenza NFT?

Where can we find Fidenza NFT for sale, this is the question you must be asking yourself right now. The place to buy a Fidenza NFT today is, unsurprisingly, Opensea. However, it will not be easy to get hold of a Fidenza NFT However, it will not be easy to get hold of a Fidenza NFT approximately only 5% of all NFTs are usually listed for sale.

Fidenza NFT price

When Fidenza NFT sale began, the project saw a swift sellout, with 900 NFT mint passes selling at 14 ETH each, equating to roughly $18,600. Fidenza NFT sale resulted in a total of approximately $16.7 million generated from the primary event.

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